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August 6, 2008

Obama Fatigue - 48% Hearing Too Much About Him

As he has since January, this week, Barack Obama enjoyed much more visibility as far as the public was concerned than did John McCain. By a margin of 76% to 11% respondents in Pew's weekly News Interest Index survey named Obama over McCain as the candidate they have heard the most about in recent days. But the same poll also shows that the Democratic candidate's media dominance may not be working in his favor. Close to half (48%) of Pew's interviewees went on to say that they have been hearing too much about Obama lately. And by a slight, but statistically significant margin - 22% to 16% - people say that recently they have a less rather than more favorable view of the putative Democratic nominee.

In contrast, if anything, Pew's respondents said they want to hear more, not less about the Republican candidate. Just 26% in the poll said they had heard too much about McCain, while a larger number (38%) reported that they had heard too little about the putative Republican candidate. However, as for Obama, a slight plurality reports that recently they have come to have a less favorable view of McCain rather than a more favorable view of him - (23% to 18%).

Not surprisingly, a very large number of Republicans say they have heard too much about Obama lately. But 51% of independents shared this opinion, and as many as a third of Democrats thought so too. READ MORE

By: The Pew Research Center

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard alot of groans from people when Obama was in Berlin speaking to people who can't vote for him. I bet that kind of image plays into Obama fatigue.

But even though in the next couple weeks you'll get tons more Obama coverage, I would bet the Obama fatigue will lighten up.

We all know the Democrats have their convention before the Republicans. So Obama will announce his veep before McCain does. And, he will accept his party's nomination on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

But these are significant things that people will actually care about. So I would imagine that 48% figure will drop.

But I'm no expert.