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April 4, 2008

Give us a Reason

Angelette Aviles &
Evelyn Hale

Hispanics are considered to be the group that determines who wins the Presidential election. With this fact both parties seem to be pondering how to effectively communicate their message to attract Hispanics.  Republicans say Hispanics are religious, conservative and hardworking and will side with us when it comes to issues such as abortion, family values, and taxes on small businesses.  Democrats say Hispanics are working-class, liberal and hardworking and will side with us over work-site safety, health care and educational opportunities.  

With all the attention given to Hispanics politically then why are we the least likely to vote or register to vote?  Why do Hispanics sway their votes.  We have three answers and one of them is that Hispanics need a reason to vote.  Based on polls and facts one could find that reason and use it to talk to Hispanics about issues dear to their heart.

Try and guess the other two reasons.  Perhaps, we will give you the answer!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why we are swing voters. No one can win or hearts or they can not figure out that we all don't think alike b/c we are so diverse!!